Persönliche Coaching Unterstützung beim Sparring in Kleingruppe

Irgendwann kommt bei jedem aktiven Menschen der Zeitpunkt, an dem die Unterstützung von Freunden und Familie nicht mehr ausreicht. Man steckt beruflich fest, will seine Ziele überdenken und mit besserer Strategie und Technik mehr erreichen.  Es wird unumgänglich, sich außerhalb seines Bekannten- und Freundeskreises die richtigen Partner zu finden, um Motivation und Momentum zu gewinnen. 

Im SparringClub geht es darum, sich persönliche Ziele zu setzen und mit individueller und Gruppenunterstützung zu erreichen.

Anders gesagt: es geht darum, mit  Unterstützung die beste Version seiner selbst aus sich herauszuholen z.B. in den regelmäßigen Master Updaterunden oder beim exklusiven Verhandlungsparring 

Viele unterschiedliche Coaching- und Seminarelemente sichern den Weg zum Verhandlungsmeister mit Deinen Zielen,

siehe Details hier –> 

Im exklusiven Jahresprogramm gibt es 3 unterschiedliche Level. Auf dem VIP Level gibt es die ultimative Absicherung für Top-Führungskräfte und Firmenleiter. Hierbei  kann auf meine Unterstützung praktisch bei jeder Verhandlung – intern und extern –  zugegriffen werden. Im Gold- und auch Silberlevel sind persönliche Unterstützung ebenfalls intensiv eingebaut.

Auch Sparringrunden und das erfolgsversprechende Zielfindungs-Workshop “Rückblick-Ausblick-Weitblick” sowie Master Updates und Online-Academy Analysen sind inkludiert. 

Dr. Amin Talab wählt Teilnehmende persönlich für den gegenseitigen Erfahrungsaustausch aus. Folglich besteht der  SparringClub aus einer erlesenen Gruppe von Führungskräften, Überzeugern und Selbständigen, die sich auf Top-Niveau austauschen und ihre Verhandlungsskills perfektionieren wollen, nicht nur auf der strategischen, sondern auch auf der praktischen day-to-day Ebene.

Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist bewusst auf 10 limitiert und auf die passende Zielgruppe fokussiert, um die Intimität des kleinen Kreises und Exklusivität des SparringClubs zu gewährleisten.  

Im Club werden Strategien, Ziele und Techniken in einem exklusiven Coachingprogramm optimiert, ausprobiert & trainiert.  

Der direkte Draht zum Trainer is ebenfalls ein USP: Tragen Sie sich für ein kostenfreies erstes Orientierungs- und Kennenlerngespräch gleich im Terminkalender des Sparringmaster (!) hier ein und wählen “Anfrage).

So besprechen Sie gemeinsam, ob der SparringClub richtig für Sie und umgekehrt ist. Wäre es nicht endlich Zeit, sich professionelle Unterstützung für seinen Erfolg zu gönnen?
Details zum SparringClub

“Negotiate Your Way to Success in 2025: Unlock Your Potential at the ‘Vision’ Goal-Setting Seminar”

As we embark on the journey of 2025, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our aspirations and set meaningful goals for the year ahead. If you’re looking to make this year truly transformative, you won’t want to miss the upcoming “Weitblick” seminar, an empowering event designed to help you chart your course for success and unlock your full potential.

Unlock Your Potential in 2025

In today’s fast-paced world, setting and achieving goals can often feel like a daunting task. However, with the right guidance and tools, you can turn your dreams into reality. The “Weitblick” seminar offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Gain clarity on your personal and professional objectives
  • Learn proven strategies for goal-setting and achievement
  • Develop an actionable plan tailored to your aspirations
  • Build a supportive network of like-minded individuals

Harness the Power of Vision

One of the key themes of the seminar is the importance of having a clear vision for your future. By participating, you’ll discover how to craft a compelling vision that motivates and inspires you throughout the year. You’ll learn techniques to visualize your success and create a mental roadmap that guides your daily actions.

Master the Art of Goal-Setting

The seminar will equip you with cutting-edge techniques for setting SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. You’ll learn how to break down your larger objectives into manageable steps, ensuring steady progress towards your dreams. Through interactive exercises and expert guidance, you’ll refine your goal-setting skills and create a personalized action plan.

Carve Out Time for Focus

In our busy lives, it’s all too easy to let day-to-day chores and responsibilities dictate our priorities, effectively setting our goals for us. The “Vision” seminar provides a valuable opportunity to step away from these distractions and dedicate focused time to your personal growth and goal-setting. This carved-out time is crucial for gaining clarity and setting intentional objectives that align with your true aspirations.

Overcome Obstacles with Confidence

2025 may bring its share of challenges, but the “Weitblick” seminar will arm you with effective strategies to overcome obstacles and stay on track. You’ll develop resilience and learn how to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth. Our experienced facilitators will share proven methods for maintaining motivation and adapting to change, ensuring you remain focused on your goals even in the face of adversity.

Cultivate Success Habits

Success is not just about setting goals; it’s about developing the right habits to support your journey. At the “Vision” seminar, you’ll discover how to create and maintain positive habits that align with your objectives. From time management techniques to productivity hacks, you’ll gain valuable insights to optimize your daily routines and maximize your potential.

Leverage the Power of Accountability

One of the unique aspects of the “Vision” seminar is the emphasis on accountability. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with fellow participants and form accountability partnerships, providing mutual support and encouragement throughout your goal-achievement journey. This network of like-minded individuals can be a powerful resource as you work towards your aspirations.

Moreover, the Sparringclub offers various options throughout the year for reflecting on your progress and maintaining accountability to your goals. These ongoing opportunities ensure that you stay committed to your objectives long after the seminar concludes, providing the support and structure needed for long-term success.

Don’t let another year slip by without making significant strides towards your goals. Join us at the “Weitblick” seminar and make 2025 your most successful year yet. You’ll leave the seminar feeling inspired, equipped, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Spaces are limited for this transformative experience, so secure your spot today and take the first step towards a brighter future! Invest in yourself and your dreams – the “Vision” seminar is your gateway to unlocking your full potential and achieving extraordinary results in 2025 and beyond.

Review & Setting Goals

Happiness and fulfilment is determined by meeting your goals. 

Meeting your goals (in any negotiation) is a about preparation, defining your goals and making clever choices. 

It is not only more fun to do this together, but it is also very helpful to getting feedback and ideas from other professionals unrelated to your success

This is why I created the –> “Review-Outlook-Vision” workshop a few years back. 

It only takes place one single time every year. 

All our SparringClub Gold and Silver members to go through each beginning of the year, next time on January 10th 2025, 15-19 hrs. If you haven´t put your own goals on the top of your priority list, or haven´t even thought about them much, block the time in your calendar and reserve yourself a spot. 

Negotiation is only a means to getting closer to our objectives. Strengthening our relationships is an important “side-effect”

Your goals are worth being met. 

Do you know the ins and outs of negotiations?

Test yourself quickly to get a quick assessment of your negotiation knowledge:

Your Score:  

Your Ranking:  

Good luck!

Sparring Round #34: “Closing” to getting you elected as president of your association

Round 34 Topics

The facts are all on the table… the client is not uninterested… but what are you doing now to have her sign? How can the deal be closed?

This was one of the main cases in Round #34 each and every Sparrer had a chance to try his luck on. The results were mixed. Yes, it is possible, but not at every time and for everyone.

Main take-aways from the sales case:

  1. The “sale” needs to have been prepared and introduced carefully. This starts with the setting of the conversation. “Begging” and “Praying” body positions put you in a disadvantage you can hardly overcome later.
  2. We all had to agree in  Sparring Round #34: “hard selling” is completely self-defeating these days. You don´t sell – you let buy.

As always, there were other cases, too. Like conducting clandestine strategic negotiations: how do I show members of our association that the board is not really doing its job. 

Last not least there was a stint into political negotiations, proving that negotiations in private situations, in particular fathers vs. mothers, can be taxing. Finding the right focus is paramount here.

Also, I had the pleasure of honoring one of our Sparrers – Christian received the sought-after “comeon-watch” and are granted special privileges in the Negotiation Sparring Alumni circle.

But I am not revealing any more here online.

Come to our next Sparring Round on Friday, October 13th (8.45 – 16.30 hrs.) and experience this exclusive Negotiation Case training for yourself – I´d love to model your case and/or have you try your ideas “life” with us.

The video analyses are available for all pro members (with their own video) again at the sparring analyses in

Recommendation: To avoid the disappointment of not getting a place, please register earlier for the next round.

I would be happy to welcome you (back) with us!

Signature AT


SparringClub Pro Open for New Participants

Dear Visitor,

Strategic attitude and negotiation skills determine relationships, careers, and even the overall success of your life to a very special degree. The SparringClub is about setting ambitious goals and consistently achieving the best possible negotiation success with the Coaching support.

In short: become the best version of yourself with my support e.g. in the monthly coaching sessions or in the Negotiation Sparring.

There are only a few places available in the exclusive program, and I personally select participants with a view to mutual learning success. The SparringClub consists of a select group of executives, influencers and self-employed who want to exchange ideas at a top level and perfect their negotiating skills, not only on the strategic, but also on the practical day-to-day level.

The number of participants is deliberately limited to 10 and focused on the right target group in order to ensure the intimacy and the exclusivity of the small group. In the club, strategies, goals and techniques are optimized, tried out and trained in a multi-facetted Coaching program.

If you are interested in becoming a Master Negotiator, inquire with me directly, sign up and let’s achieve the best negotiation results for you!


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