Dr. S. Amin Talab, LL.M.
International Negotiation Counselor

“Your negotiation skills determine what you achieve.
In business and in life.
The Master Negotiator helps you realize your potential.”

and Author of the #1 Bestseller* The Master Negotiator…

The Master Negotiator

…shows how to lead negotiations through the 4 negotiation levels and convince clients & partners by employing the right strategy:

What strategy will achieve your sales targets?

How is the SMART formula helping formulate optimal negotiation objectives?

What answers to give when confronted with “This is way too expensive!”

Counters to tactics employed, like the “low-hanging-fruit” tactic?

How do you improve customer relationships?

Selling and negotiating – what is it really about?

*in the #1 Amazon Bestseller

Category Negotiation books

The Master Negotiator   

ISBN 978-3-9502269-5-9 (Paperback), 207 pages, €22,-

ISBN  978-3-9502269-6-6 ~ 205 pages, USD 19.99, available now worldwide as eBook (.epub, .mobi)

for all electronic readers like iPad, kindle, Nook…etc.

published in June 2013

 Press reviews – what critics say

In his book “The Master Negotiator” Dr. Talab has incorporated the experience of thousands of negotiators. Based on real-life examples one can promptly apply the read.“

Die Presse (Premier Daily Newspaper)
Living means negotiating. Author Stefan Amin Talab reveals how it´s being done. With this work [he] appeals to executives as well as to housewives and -men.”
Concerning the structure the easy and exciting read is in the foreground. However, the reader is also pampered with a profound ToC, graphic depictions and emphasis.

Lawyers Gazette Austria (Anwaltsblatt)
The Master Negotiator is a book that should be consulted again and again – especially when preparing a negotiation. Absolutely recommended.

Mediation aktuell (scientific magazine)

 A personal greeting from the author Dr. Amin Talab

Dear Negotiation friend,

Why do some people always seem to get their way while others struggle to scrap the leftovers? What is it Master Negotiators do differently? What areas do you need to focus on in order to improve your negotiation skills?

If you want to do things like a pro, you need answers to these questions.

I am not promising you the always-get-your-way strategy. And I won´t promise you eternal success following one golden rule.

However, what I will be helping you with is way more important. The Master Negotiator will help you understanding what areas and skills to focus on to become a Master. Once you know about the key areas and what to concentrate on, you will be able to march towards your clear goal in any upcoming negotiation situation.

10 in 1: You get a practical negotiation guide including the 10 best and most successful strategies in one Master Strategy. And what´s more, you do get insights from an international, out-of-the-box perspective that you will need in today´s global world.

So it is up to you now to take the decision order the Master Negotiator! Start reading in a minute and understand the secret rules of the negotiation game.

To get a little taste for what is waiting for you I´ve recorded a video. I hope it gives you a decent oversight over what you can expect.

I am happy to support you to become a Master Negotiator with my long standing experience as international negotiation counselor.

Good reading and success in building your negotiation relationships and strategies!

PS. You’re covered by my 100% Money Back Guarantee. Like in any bookshop, you can have a look inside. Should you decide that this is not for you, I will refund you. There is so much structure and content in the book that I am confident you will find it useful. You will see it yourself right after opening it and starting to read the TOC. Still I want to take over all the risk so you can convince yourself and start becoming a Master Negotiator today. If it turns out that you don’t like the Master Negotiator, simply contact me and I’ll promptly refund you in full.

PPS. Which one is more valuable to you? A few cups of coffee or starting to improve your negotiation skills and getting better results today? Not to forget the sweet feeling of success you get when others realize your negotiation results keep getting better. It´s your move now.

Table of Contents and sample (.pdf)

Please click on the ToC here to access a .pdf sample and the Table of Contents.

Please note: You will get a .pdf file to view the ToC and this sample.
The eBook itself is in high qualitiy .mobi and .ePub version. It will not be provided as PDF.


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Summary: What is the Master Negotiator all about?

The Master Negotiator will answer all your questions concerning negotiations!

  • The Master Negotiator summarizes and structures clearly, concisely, and coherently the experience, skill and know-how of thousands of negotiators from all over Europe, the Middle East and the United States.
  • Winning negotiation strategies and negotiation strengths are clearly described helping you to find your way through the negotiation jungle and avoid typical traps when pursuing your interests.
  • This guidebook gives you tips & ideas for all sorts of negotiations, whether they take place with family members, employers or business partners.
  • It is based on practical experience and explains the theoretical background in a succinct and easy-to-understand manner. Numerous examples illustrate what an efficient preparation should entail, the diverse negotiation types that can be employed and a list of successful strategies and tactics.

Don´t wait till you are in the middle of your next tense and time-pressured negotiation! Grab your copy of the Master Negotiator now and start preparing. You will get the book in ePub and .mobi format, so it can be read on any tablet or computer, from iPad to kindle.

Just Click the Buy now below to start improving your negotiation results right away:

What other Readers said after buying this book

Ing. Robert EgreschitzEgreschitz

The “Master Negotiator” is a well structured, content boasting book giving an excellent overview and interesting examples. It is not the easy-read destined for going-to bed reading but offers real substance. Many times I had to note hints and considerations during reading and successfully tried that out during my negotiations. Indeed I do have the impression that the author is very successful with his intention to support me becoming a Master Negotiator myself. Thank you for this valuable book!

Lasha Kvaratskhelia Lasha

I have purchased Dr. Talabs book 2 days ago and nearly read it. It is very practical and useful!!! Easy to read and implement in every-day life practice!!! Highly recommended!!!

Dr. Manuela Offenzeller/ CEO Enzyma Offenzeller

As Market Access Director I´ve read tons of negotiation books, but the Master Negotiator deserves credit and I am happy to recommend this invaluable book. It obviously comes from a practitioner who knows what´s happening out the in the world and is right to the point on what matters in negotiations. Most importantly, though, and in my opinion invaluable is the fact that the author views the process from a cross-cultural experience angle. The dominant Fisher-Ury approach might be sufficient for American purposes, but in my company we are working with Russian, South American, African, Arab and Asian counterparts and do have ongoing internal negotiations, not to talk about approaching customers and suppliers. Therefore, the Master Negotiator is a must-have book for any professional negotiator and we are planning to invite Dr. Talab for a key-note very soon.

Dr. Leo Hemetsberger/ PhilosopherHemetsberger

Clear outline and logical structure, the author gets right to the point. This is a practical guideline with good theoretical coverage. Amin Talab stirs desire for negotiating, we are meant to try out what he put together and gain ownership for the essential points bit by bit. Important preparation, the strategy, involvement of partners, rhetorical tricks, goal orientation and process knowledge or argumentation and legitimation techniques; this book is fun and will support our strengths and extend skills.

Dr. Gregor Schinko / Lawyer and Partner KSSRDrSchinko

This book is a valuable support in preparing as well as conducting negotiations. Readers of this book will get a very good overview over mastering their own negotiation situations. This book is to be recommended by any means and belongs in each and every well assorted library.

Dr. Thomas Egger/ CEO Horsepower DrEgger

Amin Talab does a perfect job in packing all important inputs about negotiations in ones diverting book
I could associate well with many of his examples from my personal professional experience and can gain new insights from this book
I use the Master Negotiator as referene book when I am about to go into another negotiation and do want to assess my opponent better in order to respond even better to him.

Mag. Paul Bischofberger/Partner TeammanufakturBischofberger

On the topic of negotiations there are uncounted books, guides etc. so that one whould think there is little new. “The Master Negotiator” from Amin Talab is quite an exception.
The author illuminates the topic from a range of perspectives. For me the illustration of diverging negotiation methods like the Harvard Concept was especially tempting. While trained people will know the former, who has ever heard  Nixon`s, Machiavelli`s or McNamara`s principles, negotiation techniques and diverging negotiation types?
First and last: a very engaging and compact supporter and “must have” for anyone leading negotiations.

Mag. Markus Parzer /Google

The “Master Negotiator” is a neatly arranges, content boasting book with a good structure and catchy examples. In contrast to many other books on the market it is not only bedside-table literature, but offers real substance. Many times indeed I put down ideas and tips while reading it so as to try out during my next negotiation. I do have the impression that the author really achieves what he intended. Thank you!

Saint Patric

Verhandlungs-lehrling Eher zufällig bin ich aufgrund einer Empfehlung auf dieses Buch gestoßen, weil ich mir einen Überblick über Theorie und Methoden in Verhandlungen verschaffen wollte. Meine anfängliche Skepsis aufgrund des überschaubaren Umfangs des Buches – ich dachte ein Wälzer wäre gerade in der Lage meinen Wissensdurst zu stillen – wurde zweifellos übertroffen. Obwohl das Buch lediglich etwa 200 Seiten umfasst, habe ich nach dessen Durchsicht einen fundierten Überblick über verschiedenste gängige Verhandlungs-Konzepte, Kommunikationstechniken und Strategien. Sehr hilfreich war für mich der Leitfaden, der mittels unterschiedlicher Symbole die praktische Handhabung sehr vereinfacht. Auch die Verständlichkeit des Buches war für ein “Greenhorn” wie mich absolut überzeugend!

Why should you order here and now?

We want to give you one more special reason to not wait any longer (apart from not continuing to leave your spoils on the negotiation table. If you purchase the Master Negotiator now, not only will you be on top of exquisite negotiation strategies and useful tactics, all in one book, but for a limited time (until our direct author channel is working next to the bookshops, Amazon, Xinxii etc) we offer you a

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Don´t let this opportunity pass. There is next-to-nothing to lose, but lifetime success to gain. Remember: It is your negotiation skills that determine what you get. In business and in life! 

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