Advanced Negotiation Skills Training: Professional Coaching & Sparring

Get support in reaching your goals: the Personal Negotiation Seminar that includes Coaching and Individual Video Analysis

Internal and external business partners are challenging you to constantly adapt your approach and strategy? You need advanced negotiation skills training to secure the very best negotiation results in your competitive industry, and that fast?

Do you also know that not investing in professional training threatens your position because you are wasting time leaving value on the table?

If time is precious and you are looking for the combination of an effective negotiation seminar, personal coaching and analysis of real-life cases, you will be delighted to find that this is exactly what we have specialized in.

It is sensational how much can become clear in the shortest of times. I definitely recommend testing specific tactics at this Negotiation Sparring. I´ve done it several times and always took away specific useful hints for upcoming situations. Strong recommendation!

Mag. Wenth

Mag. Andreas Wenth, CEO contemas
see TESTIMONIALS (tab below)

Experience a completely new dimension of negotiation training:

  • limited participant number (~6)
  • confidential forum for reflection (first names basis)
  • Train your own real-world negotiation cases with our renown “Stop & Go
  • model negotiation tactics to get your objective through
  • train tactic-strategic variations
  • work with the negotiation expert Dr. Amin Talab (author of the bestselling Master Negotiator)


  • Get individual tips on how to improve your skills, going through your video analysis (~ 2 hours). Amin Talab will go through your analysis 1-on-1 and suggest reading list and exercises. (€ 490/~ 2 hours) Schedule Now
  • Rehearsing your case in more detail and practicing argumentation (€ 490/~ 2 hours) Schedule Now
  • Helping you define your objectives and finding options (€ 490/~ 2 hours) Schedule Now

The “negotiation sparring” was very thrilling for me. The concept of having a limited participant number who only get to know their first names, was ideal. This way you really could test your negotiation technique, try out something new and receive unbiased feedback without any role related prejudice. The sensitive observations by Dr. Talab and his professional intervention in critical moments resulted in decisive tips to improve my communication and negotiation skills.
A valuable day that should be definitely be made time for, even given a full diary.

Dr. Helmut Altenburger, Vorstand Acredia Versicherung AG
see tab Testimontials

With this workshop you will be able to improve your negotiations in a lasting manner away from day-to-day business and colleagues.

Next rounds:

Each Sparring Program consists of 3 separate parts:

  1. Kick-Off Online (ca. 1 hour) – Setting, Cases, Getting-to-know
  2. Sparring Day – Modelling of Cases, Training together
  3. Wehlistraße 70, 1200 Wien Sparring Center (sneak peek) or Zurich or Dubai
  4. Master Update + aAa Online (ca. 1 hour) – Success Control, Sustainability of Outcome

Simeon Hagmüller, Bac. Gold Consulting & Sale GVS Bullion Group

The Sparring with Amin was very instructive and the time just flew by. The atmosphere was enjoyable and relaxed and we could focus in on the practice. I learned a lot, not only, but also from the failings of the other participants. Amin showed us different walkthroughs, which we also trained. Refreshingly, he always stayed realistic and also pointed out limits of negotiations – I really like that. All in all I recommend Sparring to everyone, who is willing to work on himself. I only wish we would have had more time together.

Mag. WenthMag. Andreas Wenth Managing Partner contemas websolutions OG

It is sensational how much can become clear in the shortest of times. I definitely recommend testing specific tactics at this Negotiation Sparring. I´ve done it several times and always took away specific useful hints for upcoming situations. Strong recommendation!

Elisabeth BankangestellteMag. Elisabeth Fazekas Multi Channel Mgmt. & Customer Relationship Mgmt. UniCredit Bank

Effective, to-the-point, instructive, relevant, entertaining and extremely motivating, that is how I experienced Negotiation Sparring 2014 with Amin  – absolutely recommendable!

Freiler CEOMichael Freiler CEO Poschacher Natursteinwerke

Dear Amin! Even though I know your argumentation training for more than 10 years now you are coming up with new interesting aspects each time. And then as now I am fascinated how you are “destroying” negotiation partners as you please. Thank you again for the great and instructive Sparring. I definitely recommend you!

Farbberaterin FotoSilvia Dinstl Farb-, Stil- und Imageberaterin

My expectations have been completely surpassed, I am awed! I have to admit it was a challenging morning – but with the practical exercises and concrete improvement suggestions I´ve learned more about myself and my mistakes than in all the years before. I simply feel that everybody should have a copy of your “Master Negotiator” as required reading on their bedside table.  To indulge in one of your seminars is not only good for one´s ego but also for one´s wallet!!


Dr. Helmut Altenburger Vorstand Acredia Versicherung AG

The “negotiation sparring” was very thrilling for me. The concept of having a limited participant number who only get to know their first names, was ideal. This way you really could test your negotiation technique, try out something new and receive unbiased feedback without any role related prejudice. The sensitive observations by Dr. Talab and his professional intervention in critical moments resulted in decisive tips to improve my communication and negotiation skills. A valuable day that should be definitely be made time for, even given a full diary.

Objective & Benefit

NEGOTIATION SPARRING offers you more than a training possibility. It keeps you alert, gives you a chance to practice with merciless professionals in a safe and confidential environment. You want to:

  • test and develop your negotiation skills confidentially?!
  • receive an independent external opinion on your strategy? Somebody to discuss tactics with in a discreet manner?
  • rehearse a soon-to-come negotiation and try out options? Ideally with hitherto unknown sparring partners that give you feedback openly and in plain terms according to professional guidance?
  • check your negotiation skills on a regular basis and keep yourself fit and up-to-date?
  • compare your methods with colleagues and do some networking at the same time?

This workshop is entirely and exclusively focused on hands-on training by means of Case Studies.

It is perfectly suited for active participants of any branch or industry. Ideally, you do have a good understanding of the theoretical negotiation background and have attended respective workshops (like the Master Negotiator Program). Delegates will be selected to fit each other, secure a comparable level and confidentiality. The limited participant number guarantees the maximum learning experience in a compact and professional environment. Participant number: Maximum 6 Participants. Only a maximum of 3 participants are allowed from any corporation in order to guarantee diverse sparring partners.

Investment costs

€ 920,- (excl. 20% VAT) AED 5000,- (€920 Dubai) CHF 920 (€ 920 Zurich) including

  • Preparatory kick-off Online Seminar to prepare
  • Negotiation Sparring at the specified times
  • Nice “sparring ring”, i.e. comfortable venue
  • technical equipment
  • Hand-outs upfront to prepare (as pdf)
  • Snacks to strengthen negotiation power (nuts, finger food)
  • Beverages during Sparring
  • Individual video cut incl. analysis
  • Access to Academy.Institute in order to watch other Sparring Videos
  • Lunch,  combined with networking, reflection and feedback time
  • Online Webinar after the presence day (Check-Up) within one year (aAa to be chosen flexibly)

Terms & Conditions


The basic language of all Sparring Rounds is English. Rounds in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are commonly conducted bilingually in German & English, with preference on the language used in the “real deal”.

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