Strategy Compass

Of primary consideration before facing your negotiation partner is your negotiation strategy.

Would it not be quite helpful to derive some input and ideas from famous negotiators and negotiation schools? The situation analysis will lead us directly to the different concepts. We will explore them and test their usefulness for your individual negotiations.

The presentation of different negotiation approaches and –concepts leads to new negotiation techniques and insights: Principled negotiation, employing objective criteria and developing an interest focused attitude. So you can develop and implement “outside the box” – solutions that haven´t been considered before.

The training cases will help you deliberating your chosen strategy. The observation of „observers“ and the possibility to get not only written feedback but also being able to ask other participants on an informal basis will help you to get a full picture on your impact in negotiations. Simply ask your negotiation partner, if he would assess you to be a strategist and would move „rather careful“, or if he would concentrate on preparing documents for you.

Compare your results with the results of your peers when the negotiation results have to be revealed and decide for yourself, if you would repeat your strategy the next time over.

These insight will make any negotiation with suppliers, colleagues and clients much easier and more effective. The decisive advantage of our experience based workshops is that you can actually try out different approaches in negotiations, observe diverse behavior and exchange with others about impact and differences..

3 days

  • Get to know and to apply the four columns of the Harvard Concept.
  • Try out in the „Lemon Calculator“ case, if there is a point in digging for interests and develop options, or if a „shark strategy“ would be more effective.
  • Bluff about the state of your mini-van in the „Van Madness“ case in order to have a better starting position when negotiating who will be getting the new car and argue hard to get your colleagues on your side (including video analysis).
  • Use tactics, ignore or cooperate in the negotiation with your former patient in the exercise „Surgeon Attack“! Or chose a strategy that leads you down the bitter legal path at the Courtroom, where you might lose your house, yacht, shares and money for legal expenses.
  • Collect anonymous feedback from the other negotiators in our copyright protected Circle Feedback process and learn how other assess you and would want to prepare when facing you in a negotiation.
  • Analyse actual negotiation cases from your day-to-day business, together with other participants and play these through while looking at your situation from the perspective of the other side. While doing the exercise „Stop & Go“ we can model and adapt the situation and your approach again and again until finding an optimal plan of action.
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