Review & Setting Goals

Happiness and fulfilment is determined by meeting your goals. 

Meeting your goals (in any negotiation) is a about preparation, defining your goals and making clever choices. 

It is not only more fun to do this together, but it is also very helpful to getting feedback and ideas from other professionals unrelated to your success

This is why I created the –> “Review-Outlook-Vision” workshop a few years back. 

It only takes place one single time every year. 

All our SparringClub Gold and Silver members to go through each beginning of the year, next time on January 10th 2025, 15-19 hrs. If you haven´t put your own goals on the top of your priority list, or haven´t even thought about them much, block the time in your calendar and reserve yourself a spot. 

Negotiation is only a means to getting closer to our objectives. Strengthening our relationships is an important “side-effect”

Your goals are worth being met.