Are you interested in the big questions of life?

The Little Free Thinker will inspire you! This book displays answers given by different cultures & religions. Start a wonderful journey with family & friends, talking about the miraculous world we are living in.
Kids ask questions instinctively and are keen to learn and understand. Their young minds and hearts should get every chance to explore.
Everyday distractions threaten to leave no space for the most important questions in life. Answers available are often one-sided. With this book, parents, family and friends can actively create a setting to share beliefs and values and bond with their loved ones.
With the help of many inspirational drawings in the Little Free Thinker, you will find it exciting to explore together. Take your loved ones and look through a variety of kids´ drawings. Get encouraged by different beliefs. Journey together and find answers to the big questions of life.
Society categorizes children as being "Muslim", "Christian" or "belonging to" another ideology
However, we believe there are no ”Capitalist”, “Marxist”, “Liberal” or “Conservative” kids, only parents who believe in the respective ideas and ideologies. Equally, there should not be “Christian”, “Muslim” or otherwise religiously categorized kids, only little humans, free to choose their faith,when they are ready.
Kids are searching for answers to the big questions in life
Free-thinking kids will try to find their path, and their answers, to the big questions we face in life. Kids ask questions instinctively and are keen to learn. Nobody can or should select answers for them, and their young minds and hearts should get a chance to explore freely, without limitations.
Kids need input & dialogue with parents, family & friends
Loving parents, educated family and true friends can help finding answers to the big questions of life, without predetermining their faith. We believe this means offering a choice. Choice, of course, entails variety and knowledge, showing the “big picture”.
Even more important is the way "other beliefs" is being talked about. Demonizing others as "heathens", "heretics", "godless" or "infidels" has been the reason for countless bloody wars throughout human history. Learning and accepting variety, also in beliefs, helps overcome that ignorance.
How the Little FreeThinker book initiates the spark of mutual understanding
This is where our “Little FreeThinker” book comes in.
Answers available by our institutions and societies, in schools and public (political) life are often one-sided and discriminate against or exclude answers of other faiths. How are kids supposed to get the “full picture”?
The “Little FreeThinker” offers a variety of drawings made by kids themselves to get a feeling for the variety of beliefs in the world. It will give inspiration by illustrating easily digestible pictures of religions for little free thinkers to explore, experience and discover.
These pictures are meant to start and guide a beautiful journey of exploring different belief systems and experiencing the freedom to talk to their loved ones about about the most profound questions in our lives.
We self-produced a beautiful book, that helps families & friends to start talking to each other about “the big questions in life”, free from limitations or ideological zeal.
This dialogue will provide a starting point to finding answers and open minds to different paths and ways of thinking, but also to learn that talking about and understanding different beliefs is fundamental to living with and next to each other in peace.
We would be thrilled to have you on board. If you always wanted to promote "world peace" and are interested in our project, this could be your chance! Give a few books away to kids you love and start the dialogue in your corner of the world.
THE AUTHORS: Kids between 6-11 years, eager to paint and open to explore
We have brought together 8 kids from different cultures painting about religions:
Amira Talab
Soraya Talab
Leonie Pfandlsteiner
Arya Basra
Nuriel Yonatan
Amélie Bergler
Karen, Youssif & Mark George
Mustafa Kalam
Agil Raditya Noval
THE BACKERS: Thank you for your generous help in crowdfunding our book
Silver Sponsors (> EUR 200,-)
Harsh Basra
Karl Pfandlsteiner
Golan Yonatan
Mag. Gabi Bergler
Mag. Michael Sattler
Robert Schwoegelhofer
Mag. Ron Windauer
Dr. Gregor Schinko
Brigitte Slepicka, BA MA MA
Mag. Manuel Grassler
Margit Wiener
Elisabeth Rammel
Dr. Franz Brandstetter
Dr. Gernot Hutter
Mag. (FH) Sandra Marya
Lieber Amin!Agnes
Liebe Little Free Thinker!
Vielen lieben Dank, dass ihr mir ein Exemplar von eurem großartigem Buch geschickt habt. Die farbenprächtige Aufmachung macht neugierig und man erkennt schnell, dass ihr euch mit viel Aufwand den ausgewählten Themen gewidmet habt. Die in der Einleitung genannten "big questions of life" geben eine interessante Basis zur Diskussion. Ja, wir Menschen wollen es gerne genau wissen und begeben uns auf die Suche nach Antworten, sind auf der Suche nach den "Geheimnissen" des Lebens und wollen die Quelle der Liebe, des Friedens, der Freiheit, .... finden.
Neben den herausragenden handgezeichneten Illustrationen und der bunten Gestaltung finde ich es genial, dass ihr euch auch den unterschiedlichen Sprachen gewidmet habt.
Ich selber kann nicht so gut englisch und freue mich daher, dass auch einige Texte in deutsch geschrieben sind.
Ich wünsche euch viel Freude bei anregenden Diskussionen, weiterhin eindrucksvolle Erlebnisse auf der Suche nach Antworten zu den großen Fragen des Lebens und mögen noch viele, viele Menschen euer Buch lesen!
Gottes Segen behüte und begleite euch!
Alles Liebe
Hallo Amin,
Das Buch ist heute angekommen und mein Free Little Thinker ist sehr happy damit wie du sehen kannst.
Das Buch ist toll geworden. Vielen Dank euch für die Arbeit und liebe Grüße an alle kleinen Künstler.
Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,
You can now Order Your Little FreeThinker
(and Be Among the First to get it)
(and Be Among the First to get it)
- Support inter-religious dialogue: Knowing means overcoming fear and tension between people THE LITTLE FREETHINKER fosters dialogue and exchange rather than ideology and zeal
- Contribute to understanding and peace: Acceptance of differences helps bridging differences. Help future generations of humankind and friends with this specific, personal gift
- Make a strong statement: If you believe in opening minds, put your money to good use and enable a project that will open minds (and will certainly find enemies).
- Help a kid find meaning: Enjoy a wonderful time with a young person of your choice to ponder the big questions of life and help them to understand the big picture and find their way in life